Miner2Major’s nature projects focused on the landscape, habitats, species and trails of Sherwood Forest. The scheme worked with local conservation organisations and governmental bodies to protect the landscape in and around the Sherwood area to the benefit of native wildlife and habitats.

Better Habitats
Enhancing, restoring, creating and linking Sherwood Forest's heathlands and other habitats characteristic of the area, making them more favourable to the flora and fauna they support. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust were the lead organisation for this delivery through volunteer practical work sessions and larger scale habitat works with contractors.

Connecting Trails
There are over 193km of rights of way within the Miner2Major scheme area. These include a few well-known trails, which provide ways for members of the public to explore the countryside. However, not all the rights of way were well promoted, easily accessible or connected to local attractions.
Our project surveyed the existing network of routes and rights of way with local volunteers. Once surveyed we were able to better promote and connect them to local attractions to help people make the most of the wealth of trails within the area.
Within the project we also made a small number of improvements to the existing trails, to help make them more accessible for users.
Our Connecting Trails project delivered:-
- £60,000 worth of trail upgrades and repairs
- Developed a new Routes and Rides Walks booklet with Nottinghamshire County Council
- Created 7 new Sherwood Voices audio walks
- 200+ people took part in map reading courses, one of our most popular courses

Saving Sherwood’s Special Species
Sherwood Forest is home to some very special and iconic species that are characteristic of the area’s unique combination of habitats, and which occur in few other places around the UK.
Our project engaged local people in finding out more about these species, widening understanding of where they are and taking positive action to protect them.
We delivered a range of events to improve knowledge of species identification, field survey methodology and recording, and organised surveys carried out by trained volunteers and supported by skilled ecologists. The results of the surveys helped us to make landscape improvements.

Sherwood’s Landscape of Trees and Hedges
Trees and hedgerows are a vital component of Sherwood’s landscape. We know that trees are important not only for their biodiversity value, but also for their cultural and emotional connections. Sherwood’s trees and hedgerows are loved by local people and eagerly anticipated by visitors to the area.
This project helped improve our knowledge and data about the number and condition of trees and hedgerows throughout Sherwood, whilst enthusing local people about what we have now and what we can improve for the future.
We worked with landowners and communities in planting a new generation of trees, including some that commemorate local legends and stimulate new community celebrations.
Our Trees and Hedges project delivered:-
- 20 community tree planting projects, delivered in partnership with Sherwood Forest Trust
- £25,000 worth of grant funded hedgerow projects for landowners
- 3 training events for landowners/managers
- 2.5km new hedgerow planted
- New learning resources for children, including a model oak tree and 3D invertebrates
Find out more about Sherwood’s Landscape of Trees and Hedges.

Miner2 Major Engagement Officer
Our Engagement Officer took a central role engaging with communities within and surrounding the Miner2Major Landscape Partnership area, working with our delivery partners, community groups and volunteers to generate interest and support the delivery of projects. This included targeted work with young people, families with young children and under-represented groups.
Find out more about some of the work undertaken by the Engagement Officer.