Equality and Diversity

What is diversity?

Diversity is the idea that a group has the right to share the resources and promises of society without being forced to relinquish their identity.

Diversity strives to eliminate all forms of oppression, taking action and facilitating constructive, healthy forms of resistance are essential.

Diversity vs. differences


  • different cultural groups are represented-both dominant and subordinate group members
  • leads to a broader representation of perspectives, worldviews, lifestyles, language, communication skills, and so forth.


  • are viewed as positive, not something to be tolerated
  • are valued upon and valued as sources of strength
  • disenfranchised groups are not required to give up their identity or assimilate to dominate norms
  • for dominant groups, this may mean that new ways of relating need to be acquired.

Pass it on 

Part silent movie, part music video, this short film, specially-commissioned by the EHRC aims to inspire children and encourage them to think about their future, as well as challenging stereotypical thinking around certain jobs.

Directed and edited by Adam Barnard for Company of Angels. Music by Peter Michaels. Director of Photography: Anthony Gurner. Costume: Sheara Abrahams.

Diversity in Diction - Equality in Action

A guide to the appropriate use of language published by the TUC [PDF]

Resources, support and services 

Click the links below for information about resources and sources of help: